1 Month Post Op

One month out and things are going well. I am exercising again, without any limitations. I have noticed that my back hurts more often now, I think because my stomach muscles have not been engaged, and my body is readjusting to not having to carry the weight anymore. So I have found that compression garments work wonders to help relieve the back pain. I tried spankx, but they weren’t as good as the little corset things that they sell in department stores. They clasp with bra hook things, and are elastic, but strong. They work miracles. I suggest buying one if you start getting back pain.

Clothes! I have now dropped down from a size 16 to a size 11. I am currently weighing in at 199.10! I am officially in ‘ONEderland”. Since surgery I have lost a total of 25.9 lbs. That is on track, and the doctor says I am doing well. Woo Hoo!! I am very excited about my progress.

Some of the things I have noticed and been experiencing since surgery are: constipation. Really bad! So I suggest taking a stool softener in you need one. My regular schedule is not daily now, usually every 2-3 days. Sorry kinda gross, but nobody told me about this before my surgery. So be prepared for that.

Food tolerances have changed, and I have difficulty with foods I could normally tolerate. I am having to just stick to mostly protein drinks and pureed foods. I found the Gogo Applesauce pouches are a great size and low calories. Just get the unsweetened ones. The baby food pouches with fruit and veggies are good, I feel bad not getting any veggies at all right now.

Anyhow, definitely still the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Still no hunger, and eating is still a chore. I have noticed that if I don’t eat I get really bad heartburn, so I am now having to take heartburn medication every day now. Annoying since most people who had heartburn before surgery are cured. I had NO heartburn before surgery, and now I have it really bad. So be on the lookout for that.

I had to set alarms on my phone because I forget to take my vitamins if I don’t. It’s okay to hyper-organize some things, like scheduling your vitamins. If you have any questions, feel free to post them. I would love to be of any help to anyone that needs it.

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